Douglasdale; the Douglas Barony in Lanarkshire; the lairds of Douglas in the 13th and 14th Centuries |
Loch Douglas, Douglasdale |
The Douglas Larder: The raid of James of Douglas is said to have begun at this site in Douglasdale |
The Douglas Kirk...In 1390 the kirk was rebuilt as St. Brides by Archibald the Grim, son of the Good Sir James. The tomb with an earlier effigy of Sir James and his embalmed heart reside in the remains of the kirk. |
Bluebells grace the banks of Park Burn near the old cart path to Park Castle. |
The tomb of the Good Sir James, strikingly similar to the Louvain Tomb of the Crusader Knight in Little Easton, Essex and visited by a young James, his father William le Hardi and step mother Eleanora Douglas. |
Castle Dangerous...the ruins of the "folly" tower in Douglasdale. |
Remains of the vaulted cellars at Douglas Castle |
Site of Douglas Castle with motte and remaining tower |
Park Castle, Douglasdale is now merely a site located on a motte between Castle Mains and Parkhall on the Park Burn near Coalgill. This was where the Good Sir James resided just before leaving for the Holy Lands with the heart of King Robert I. |
View from Park Castle looking west, over the Park Burn. James, Lord Douglas, would have used this strong hold for baronial business while rebuilding Douglas Castle. |
Believed to be the ruins of Thorril Castle, Douglasdale near Parkhead |
Parkhall in Douglasdale, overlooking the Park Burn and the site of Park Castle |
The old "folly tower" looms over the motte for the original 13th century castle; adjacent to the beautiful re-built structure of the 1700's. Sadly this lovely building met the wrecking ball in the 1930's leaving only the folly tower to represent the once imposing stronghold of the Douglas Clan. |