THE FORMATIVE YEARS...Growing Up in Western Pennsylvania
Senior Toby Hopkins...a legacy of Varsity Football, Baseball, Basketball...Vice President of the Hunting and Fishing outdoorsman and athlete; he'd say it all began with Scouting
High School Football: 10, 11, and 12...great preparation for Joe Paterno's Penn State
Basketball filled the winter months
It may be time for the Pirates' pitchers and catchers to report for spring training...but in Pittsburgh Toby is taking batting practice with a snowball; the right-handed fastball pitcher was voted 'prettiest eyes' in the Senior Poll
Avonworth HS Summer Cleanup Crew in 1962;Toby Hopkins, standing upper left in photo, found a way to properly balance work with fun that summer;spilling some water... bucket and all on fellow student Joseph 'Jack' Reilly