Foxcliffe Garnet Ace and Foxcliffe Celtic Arrow d'Lux pause for refreshment at the river at Foxcliffe farm
Foxcliffe Celtic Arrow d'Lux and her nephew Foxcliffe Garnet Ace boast the Douglas Tartan in the 2006 Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk
Arrow's first Boston snow; growing up in Virginia such a find on a November morning was a real surprise; visit Janet Porter's Deerhounds d'Lux website for more news on her hounds by clicking the image of Arrow
Deerhound Rescue in Scotland
The Laird of Balgonie hosts an annual event for St. Hubert's Sanctuary and Scottish Deerhound Rescue at his 13th century castle in Fife, Scotland; Finbar is a 17 month old new member of the Deerhound contingency that roams the restored castle and medieval estate; click on the photo of Finbar to access the Balgonie Castle website
Tess enjoys the first days of spring at Balgonie Castle in Fife
The Rescued Deerhounds of Balgonie roam the ancient medieval courtyard of the castle